Photograph of the exterior of the Henry Davis Sleeper house, Beauport, in Gloucester, Mass.

Henry Sleeper's Bachelor House

A lecture by Tripp Evans of Wheaton College
Thursday, April 27, 2017
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Otis House, 141 Cambridge Street, Boston, Mass., 02114
Tickets: $15.00

Historic New England and The History Project invite you to explore Henry Sleeper's "bachelor house." 

The term "bachelor house" suggested a distinctive type of home - and homeowner - to early twentieth-century audiences, who understood the phrase as a coded reference to homosexuality. Join Tripp Evans, professor of art history at Wheaton College, for a lecture that explores Beauport as Henry Sleeper's bachelor house. 

Placing Sleeper alongside contemporary bachelor-decorators A. Piatt Andrew, Charles Gibson, and Ogden Codman, this illustrated talk considers the roles that memory, collecting, and theater played at Beauport and other bachelor houses of the period. 

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