Our Supporters

The History Project wishes to acknowledge the organizations that have made outstanding contributions in support of our efforts. To learn more about the benefits of Corporate Sponsorship, please email us.

2022 HistoryMaker Awards Supporters

Eastern Bank Logo  TBF_logo GLAD

Lawyers for Civil Rights Boston MassEquality

Mass Bears and Cubs

In-Kind Supporters


Foundations and Nonprofits

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Logo   TBF_logo  MCC_Logo

Funding from Mass Humanities has been provided through the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 and the 2021 Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan (SHARP)

Mass Humanities logo National Endowment for the Humanities logo

Stanhope Society

The Stanhope Society recognizes donors who contribute $2,500 or more to THP over a five-year period.  Last updated 18 July 2023.

Libby Bouvier & Andrea Devine
Syd Butler & Amy Carlson
Orlando Del Valle & Roland St Jean
Joanna DiSpirito & Abby Olsen
Andrew Elder & Jose Ricardo McFaline Figueroa
Pat Gozemba & Karen Kahn
Tony Grima & Peter Muise
Kevin Hepner
Marvin H. Kabakoff
Neal Kane & Charles Schoonmaker
Stewart Landers & Jack Boyce
Russ Lopez & Andrew Sherman
Louise Rice & Tess Ewing
Warren Seamans
Judith Sullivan

Preservationist Society

The Preservationist Society recognizes donors who make monthly recurring gifts of $20 or more. Last updated 18 July 2023.

John Affuso
Priscilla B. Bellairs
Carisa Cunningham
Andrew Elder
Tony Grima
Marvin Kabakoff
Neal Kane
John Kyper
Stewart Landers
Russell Lopez
Tom Norris
Julia & John O'Keefe
Joseph Tighe
Jessica Taylor
Robert Young

Peterson Society

Named in honor of David Peterson, the Peterson Society recognizes donors who have included The History Project as a beneficiary of their estate. Please contact Executive Director Joan Ilacqua if you plan to include The History Project in your estate. Last updated 18 July 2023.

William Conrad
Nan Dumas
Marvin Kabakoff
John Kyper
Stephen Z. Nonack
Louise Rice
Ibrahim Sundiata
Robert Volante
Richard H. York